Thursday, August 31, 2006

Oh dear...too long between posts

Wow, Life just zoooms by. Another year before I posted. Guess I just havent developed the habit yet.

Well the scifi party was good, though it was off to a false start when I was rushed to hospital to have an operation. Too much fibre...would you believe it. I blocked up my intestines and so they had to operate to remove the blockage. Whilst they were in there they found a carcinoid tumor. Only a small one, but it is one of those things that could have been bad if left for too long and they arent easy to detect.

I'm all better now!!

My job has changed alot in the last year. I was the Consulting Manager, now I'm the Senior Manager Program Managment Office Asia Pacific Japan.

Currently deploying a new system for my company in the JAPAC region, so I'm off on a trip with Natanya, to Singapore, Shanghai, Beijing, Seoul, Tokyo.

Will blog more....I promise.